Ring Buying Guide


Use Social Media To Learn What They Like

If you’re stuck trying to figure out the first step for where to look for engagement rings they’ll love, we’d suggest checking on all their social media accounts to see what they looking at and liking. 

If you know your partner is a follower of our social media accounts, have a look at our posts and look in the “liked” field on each post. Chances are that Instagram and Facebook knows you two are together and it wants to show you pictures they've liked, and hopefully there are a few on there that’ll give you an idea of stone shapes or ring styles that they like.

Ask Other People Who Know Them

Talk to their best friends or close family if possible! Letting them know you need a little help picking an engagement ring might sound like a no-go to some, but we’d encourage you to bring one or two others into the process whose opinion you value and who you feel like you can trust. Ultimately it’s your call, but sometimes these extra eyes and close friendships can be invaluable.

Look At What They Are Already Wearing

Pay attention to the metal colors that they wear most often and try to listen for the metals they think look best with their skin tone. Some have thought about this a lot and have most likely decided what they like the most — and are usually already wearing it.

The Shape Of The Stone Is Half The Battle

When trying to figure out how to pick out an engagement ring, one of the first things that you’ll have to decide on is what shape of stone you want to purchase for your special someone. Of all the shapes that are out there, the most common shape is Round — and then you have all the out-of-the-box (kind of a proposal pun) shapes such as OvalCushionPrincessMarquise and many others.

Pro tip: Some shapes, even if cut well, can hide a bit of their size strictly because of the shape. For example, Cushion and Princess cuts tend to look smaller than most other stones of equal sized shapes. Stones with Round and especially Oval cuts can look extra large with the right cut and proportions. No matter the shape, we at Honey always strive for the highest cut quality possible for our clients.

Diamonds Have Different Price Points

Once you have zeroed in on the perfect stone shape, next you have to think about what kind of diamond quality is most important to you. To give you some comfort, our bare minimum standard for consideration is that the ring has no inclusions (little particles inside the diamond) visible to the naked eye.

Pro tip: Stones that are both super high in color and clarity are going to be stunning, but are also going to come at a much steeper cost. We like to help our clients get the absolute best ring for their budget. The thing is, almost all diamonds have clarity characteristics that can be thought of like a fingerprint, and as long as the inclusions aren’t waving back at you and are invisible to the naked eye, that’s our bare minimum standard for consideration. Anything up from this point is a win and further solidifying our reputation for quality.

The most important detail (we feel!) in selecting the perfect stone, over both color and clarity, is making sure that we source our stones with the best possible cut quality. If the cut is perfect, you’ll have a stone that will always feel special and sparkle like crazy!

After The Diamond, You Still Need The Ring!

After having found the perfect diamond, you’re probably wondering how do you pick an engagement ring — the part that’s gonna hold the diamond — that they’ll love (not more than you though, of course)? Glad you asked, ‘cause you’re in luck! We offer a huge variety of beautiful styles, and we’re sure to have something that appeals to them. Fortunately, if you don’t see anything you want, we can help you bring your ideas to life and build your custom dream ring! At the end of the day, our goal is to walk you through the process and help you make the right choice.